5 Greatest Benefits Of Working Out With Your Partner

Kim & Roy
4 min readMay 23, 2020

Couples who sweat together don’t necessarily stay together, but working out with your partner will likely strengthen the relationship in a meaningful way.

When we first met, we both worked out separately, but never together. About 4 months into our relationship, we worked up the courage to go on a date to the gym. Fast forward to 2020 and we rarely go a week without doing 1–2 workouts together. Here’s why…

Boosts physical attraction.

Of course it’s attractive to watch your partner workout, but there’s more to it than that. We’d argue that the biggest appeal is witnessing your person work hard at something, which strengthens the physical connection.

Life gets really busy. It’s easy to fall into the routine of working, cooking dinner, and watching TV until it’s time to go to sleep. Even though both of you are likely working during the day, you rarely are able to observe each other “in action.” It can be challenging to stay physically linked if all you see is the other person sitting in the same spot on the couch day in and day out. Working out as a couple will keep things exciting, break up your mundane routine, and help remind you how physically attracted you are to your partner.

Keeps you both happy (together).

It’s no secret that exercise increases endorphins. But what if you both experienced that chemical release at the same time?

Finding ways to keep both people happy simultaneously is a great way to fuel your emotional connection. You’ll find it much easier to laugh and joke with each other instead of taking things so seriously. Plus, the endorphin release will last well beyond the 30–60 minute workout. Working out with your partner can boost your moods for the remainder of the evening and stimulate better conversation. The positive feelings will inspire you to do more activities together in the future.

Productive mental break.

Small things that bother people seem to magically disappear after they workout together. This has happened to us more times than we can count. The stress of the day gets to every relationship. Sometimes, we just need a break from it all to remind ourselves that there’s more good than bad.

Working out with your partner will serve as a productive distraction from life’s inevitable hiccups. You don’t want to focus too much on things that cause you stress. A quick exercise session together can help you both move on from silly arguments and get you thinking more positively about each other and your lives in general.

Promotes positive talk and encouragement.

The goal is to be each other’s biggest fans, so why not literally cheer each other on during a couples workout? This is beneficial for a few reasons. The first is that it’s always helpful to have someone motivating you during a tough workout.

The second and more important reason is that it serves as a bit of a metaphor for your life together. In our case, we aim to do everything as a team and when the going gets tough for one of us, the other is there to pick things up. Actions speak louder than words, but words are still impactful. Learning how to encourage each other in a meaningful way is so valuable, and working out together serves as great practice.

Serves as a common goal.

One of the best ways to build a happy relationship is to keep growing both individually and as a couple . Consistent progress is fueled by frequent goal setting. The desire to accomplish something will be stronger if it’s mutual.

Working out with your partner creates a space to set and pursue a shared goal to be more physically fit and healthy. Not only will you try to achieve a higher fitness level for yourself, but you’ll want to get there for your partner as well. You can keep one another accountable and push each other to work harder. Common goals are the building blocks for the strong foundation that you’ll need to create a life together.

Do you workout with your partner? If so, what is the effect on your relationship? Email us at kimandroy.contact@gmail.com and let us know!

Originally published at https://www.kimandroy.com on May 23, 2020.



Kim & Roy

We’re Kim and Roy. We created this as a way to inspire couples and individuals to achieve greater mental, physical, and financial health.